Still need these tubes for my drug store tube tester
(too old to reply)
Terry S
2018-07-31 02:13:29 UTC
Late era TV tubes. I pay shipping + nominal pricing. Must be in original factory boxes.

3DZ4 medium mu triode
6BK7/6BQ7 twin triode uhf preamp
6BS8 dual triode
6DS4 triode rf amp
6EV5 sharp cutoff tetrode vhf amp
6GK6 beam power pentode audio/video amp
6KD8 triode pentode vhf osc mixer
10JV8 10JY8 triode pentode sync vid amp
12AE6 double diode triode det amp car radio
12AF6 pentode amp car radio
12DS7 duplex diode tetrode auto radio
12K5 tetrode auto radio pwr amp
15CW5 pentode af amp
36AM3 1/2 wave rectifier
2AS2 hv rect
6AF11 double triode pentode agc sync video amp
6AL11 beam power pentode fm det & audio
6AR11 twin pentode if amp
6AX3 damper diode
6EW7 double triode v osc v amp
6HE5 pentode v amp
6Q11/6K11 triple triode sync clipper & agc
12AY3 1/2 wave rect damper
5U4/5V3 full wave rect
6BY5 double diode damper, rect
6DQ6 beam pentode h defl amp
6GT5 beam pentode h defl amp
6GW6 beam pentode h defl amp
6JE6 beam pentode h defl amp
21HJ5 beam pentode h defl amp
25CD6/25DN6 beam pentode h defl amp
Terry S
2018-08-17 01:26:47 UTC
11 part numbers left to find! Please help me close this project out.


3DZ4 medium mu triode
2AS2 hv rect
6HE5 pentode v amp
6Q11/6K11 triple triode sync clipper & agc
12AY3 1/2 wave rect damper
6BY5 double diode damper, rect
6GT5 beam pentode h defl amp
6GW6 beam pentode h defl amp
6JE6 beam pentode h defl amp
21HJ5 beam pentode h defl amp
25CD6/25DN6 beam pentode h defl amp
Terry S
2018-09-03 20:00:44 UTC
Mission accomplished! The tester slots are full, and no further tubes are needed. Thanks to all of you who helped me fill the tester drawers!

Fox's Mercantile
2018-09-03 21:51:59 UTC
Post by Terry S
Mission accomplished! The tester slots are full, and no
further tubes are needed. Thanks to all of you who helped
me fill the tester drawers!
Pix or it never happened.
"I am a river to my people."