(too old to reply)
2003-12-02 18:25:17 UTC
Mickey the owner really does some excellent work. I have been using
him for more years then I can remember. I'm just posting this as a
thanks to Mickey !

If you ever need a Jensen, JBL reconed or just about anything else
give him a call. I had him do a couple of Jensen Imperial bottoms and
the work was excellent. Many of his replacement cones are OEM and he
does have a large selection on hand.

Once More here is the info:

Master Reconing Station
Since 1957

7006 W. Diversey AVE.
Chicago,IL. 60707

Phone 773 889 3498
Fax 773 889 8050
Bill Turner
2003-12-02 19:02:19 UTC
Eddie Brimer
2003-12-02 19:56:22 UTC
thanks mickey!

Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742

visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
Mark Oppat
2003-12-02 21:38:56 UTC
As a note to all, these kind of places mentioned by Escorial only do musical
instrument speakers.

For antique radio speaker reconing, the following are recommended:
Jackson Speaker Service Ron McGee, Jackson, MI 517-789-6400

Sound Remedy, Rich Stamer, NJ.

Hank Brazeal 205-823-9257

Mark Oppat
Post by Escorial
Mickey the owner really does some excellent work. I have been using
him for more years then I can remember. I'm just posting this as a
thanks to Mickey !
If you ever need a Jensen, JBL reconed or just about anything else
give him a call. I had him do a couple of Jensen Imperial bottoms and
the work was excellent. Many of his replacement cones are OEM and he
does have a large selection on hand.
Master Reconing Station
Since 1957
7006 W. Diversey AVE.
Chicago,IL. 60707
Phone 773 889 3498
Fax 773 889 8050
Uncle Peter
2003-12-02 22:16:15 UTC
Post by Mark Oppat
As a note to all, these kind of places mentioned by Escorial only do musical
instrument speakers.
Jackson Speaker Service Ron McGee, Jackson, MI 517-789-6400
Sound Remedy, Rich Stamer, NJ.
Hank Brazeal 205-823-9257
Mark Oppat
And our own Ken G. as well..

Mark Oppat
2003-12-02 23:02:19 UTC
would also like to remind the group of servicers here that I fix about 85%
of the damaged speakers that come in without reconing them!
I did a seminar on this in Charlotte and Lansing last year.
Basically, with a good glue, ;like GC Service Cement, manilla envelope
material, and some other common items, you can do it too.
If the speaker has been bashed, but is all or mostly there, and the voice
coil/spider assembly intact, its not too bad a job.
Start in the most center area damaged and work your way outwards, gluing up
pieces and letting them set up before moving to the next section. Amazing
how fast you can work,and how many speakers are fixable.
Use manilla envelope paper to cover big holes.
They might be ugly, but will work like new.
Mark Oppat
Post by Mark Oppat
Post by Mark Oppat
As a note to all, these kind of places mentioned by Escorial only do
Post by Mark Oppat
instrument speakers.
Jackson Speaker Service Ron McGee, Jackson, MI 517-789-6400
Sound Remedy, Rich Stamer, NJ.
Hank Brazeal 205-823-9257
Mark Oppat
And our own Ken G. as well..
- - Bill - -
2003-12-02 23:16:18 UTC
Post by Mark Oppat
Mark Oppat
Wish we could find someone who could routinely rewind field coils that
are welded into place on those little cheapo 5" speakers!

I once brought up the idea of using some of the modern-day rare-earth
magnets to 'activate' the armature of a field coil spkr. Everybody says
its an unworkable idea but one guy said he had done it successfully.
This is an area that I think merits some investigation.

And Ken G does fine speaker repair work. He did a great job on one for
me that Hank Brazeal wouldn't touch.

Bill Turner
2003-12-03 00:09:53 UTC
. . KEN
Ken G.
2003-12-03 00:36:37 UTC
EEK Bill lay off that bottle or send it to me :-)

I visited Jamac last sumer whle in Portland .. nice people .

Now i want to hear which places have the all paper cones for 5 to 8 inch
speakers and how much they charge to replace the cone , coil , spider in
an average 8 inch speaker .

Thanks for the mentions guys .. i still have some larger sizes , oval
car speaker parts & odd sizes should you need a speaker rebuilt . Sorry
to report the 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 inch cones are gone .

- - Bill - -
2003-12-03 01:04:08 UTC
Post by Ken G.
EEK Bill lay off that bottle or send it to me :-)
I visited Jamac last sumer whle in Portland .. nice people .
Now i want to hear which places have the all paper cones for 5 to 8 inch
speakers and how much they charge to replace the cone , coil , spider in
an average 8 inch speaker .
Thanks for the mentions guys .. i still have some larger sizes , oval
car speaker parts & odd sizes should you need a speaker rebuilt . Sorry
to report the 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 inch cones are gone .
Have you tried these people for cone material?

Mark Oppat
2003-12-03 05:25:56 UTC
Ken, I sold all my old reconing stuff off to Ron at Jackson Speaker around
1992. There were over 300 cones in the 4"-12" sizes. He does mostly auto
speakers, so should have a lot of these still.
Mark Oppat
Post by Ken G.
EEK Bill lay off that bottle or send it to me :-)
I visited Jamac last sumer whle in Portland .. nice people .
Now i want to hear which places have the all paper cones for 5 to 8 inch
speakers and how much they charge to replace the cone , coil , spider in
an average 8 inch speaker .
Thanks for the mentions guys .. i still have some larger sizes , oval
car speaker parts & odd sizes should you need a speaker rebuilt . Sorry
to report the 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 inch cones are gone .
Ken G.
2003-12-03 06:30:03 UTC
Thats some good info .. Thanks .

I still want to know what these guys charge and what some of you guys
are paying and or links the their websights with the information on what
they charge

i have found & seen what the audio speaker guys charge to re-foam
speakers & its about 25$ & up for just the surround and way more to
replace the whole cone , coil , spider ... but none offer the old paper
cones .
2003-12-03 13:03:50 UTC
Post by Ken G.
Thats some good info .. Thanks .
I still want to know what these guys charge
$30- and up

John H.
Sven Franklyn Weil
2003-12-03 17:09:24 UTC
Post by Ken G.
i have found & seen what the audio speaker guys charge to re-foam
speakers & its about 25$ & up for just the surround and way more to
I once took the courageous step of replacing the foam surrounds on an old
pair of KLH speakers that the dad of a friend gave me (he was moving to
Florida). It came out great, considering it was the first time I did
this.owever I don't think it's something I want to try again for a long

I took a day off work to do this. Takes a lot of patience and above all,
quiet and concentration. You have to work slowly. Also, a fresh pack of
very sharp new razor blades works wonders. Don't skimp on razor blades
when you're scraping off the old foam. :-)
Sven Weil
New York City, U.S.A.
Mark Oppat
2003-12-04 04:55:45 UTC
cost to completely recone a 4-8 inch speaker is usually $25-$35 range, 10
inch are around $45, 12 are $50 or so, all plus ship... from most of these
guys I mentioned.

Mark Oppat.
Post by Ken G.
Thats some good info .. Thanks .
I still want to know what these guys charge and what some of you guys
are paying and or links the their websights with the information on what
they charge
i have found & seen what the audio speaker guys charge to re-foam
speakers & its about 25$ & up for just the surround and way more to
replace the whole cone , coil , spider ... but none offer the old paper
cones .
Brenda Ann
2003-12-04 05:07:36 UTC
Post by Mark Oppat
cost to completely recone a 4-8 inch speaker is usually $25-$35 range, 10
inch are around $45, 12 are $50 or so, all plus ship... from most of these
guys I mentioned.
Mark Oppat.
That's pretty close to what I had to pay here (surprised I could even find
someone who could recone an electrodynamic here).. an 8" speaker for a
Philco I had cost me about 50,000 Won to recone, around $42 at the exchange
rate at that time..
Ken G.
2003-12-06 01:18:38 UTC
cost to completely recone a 4-8 inch speaker is usually $25-$35 range,
10 inch are around $45, 12 are $50 or so, all plus ship... from most of
these guys I mentioned.

Ok great thanks .. this is to just recone a speaker & thats easy to do

When i get requests to recone 4-8`` speakers they usually need
everything replaced from the bare metal basket and i quote 35$ to do
this and most turn it down .. i guess i should ask 55$ ????
Eddie Brimer
2003-12-06 01:41:52 UTC
Post by Ken G.
When i get requests to recone 4-8`` speakers they usually need
everything replaced from the bare metal basket and i quote 35$ to do
this and most turn it down .. i guess i should ask 55$ ????
your prices seem reasonable to me ken. you charged me 40 bucks to recone my 8"
speaker and did a great job. there are always some people that want something
for nothing.

Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742

visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
Roger D Johnson
2003-12-06 01:42:00 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
Brenda Ann
2003-12-06 01:45:12 UTC
Post by Roger D Johnson
I just got hit with a 65% increase in my local phone bill
48% of which was to provide me with "services" I neither
need nor want. I'm thinking of dumping them and going with
an internet phone provider such as Vonage. Has anyone any
good or bad experiences to relate?
I've not had good luck with internet phone providers. They use dialup
servers for the most part, and there's a lot of dropout. This was acceptable
when those services were free, but not when one must pay for them. Add to
this, that currently Ma Bell, et al, are trying to get laws passed against
VoIP of any kind, which of course would put those companies out of business.
Alan Douglas
2003-12-06 03:00:51 UTC
Post by Brenda Ann
currently Ma Bell, et al, are trying to get laws passed against
VoIP of any kind, which of course would put those companies out of business.
Seems highly unlikely, judging from the writeup in this week's Time
(Dec. 8). According to that, the phone companies are offering their
own VoIP services to compete.

73, Alan
Jeffrey D Angus
2003-12-06 02:03:34 UTC
Has anyone any good or bad experiences to relate?
While in Culver City, and being supplied by MediaOne (Now AT&T)
the sales droids called every week trying to convince me to go
with "digital phone over Cable." I got increasingly hostile with
them when they could guarantee IN WRITING a level of service
consistent with what the phone company is required to maintain.
The problem was, the cable would go down weekly, and I refused to
have to rely on something that flaky for business communications.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Tara Morice as Fran, from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"
Michael A. Terrell
2003-12-06 04:34:17 UTC
Post by Jeffrey D Angus
Has anyone any good or bad experiences to relate?
While in Culver City, and being supplied by MediaOne (Now AT&T)
the sales droids called every week trying to convince me to go
with "digital phone over Cable." I got increasingly hostile with
them when they could guarantee IN WRITING a level of service
consistent with what the phone company is required to maintain.
The problem was, the cable would go down weekly, and I refused to
have to rely on something that flaky for business communications.
Not only that, but you can't use the phone to report that your cable
is out! :(
20 days!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Paul Pinyot
2003-12-06 04:53:06 UTC
I use ATT (now Comcast) cable phone service. I have had no problems with
them for the duration of about 3.5 years. As a matter of fact Ma Bell had a
cable cut and our community lost service for days. I did not. (I know this
was bad luck on Ma Bell's part). Anyway, what sold me was the $5 per
month, no frills, second phone line for my computer. My cheepie $20 CompUSA
modem happens to crank up at 53,333bps too. Ma Bell (Bell Atlantic) wants
much more per month for a second line.

17 years ago I never would have put my phone on the cable TV system. It was
always going down. I guess they upgraded it lately. If the cable system
goes down I figure I'd use my cell phone as a back up.

We have had several (regular) Cable TV outages (in groups and over the whole
99 channel band) that has not affected phone service. It surprised me! I
suppose it was a distribution or head end thing with the TV distribution.

A vendor I do business with has VoIP. It is horrible. They are always
going down or getting misdirected phone calls and they sound horrible (even
for phone). I wind up calling the reps personal cell phone in frustration.

When you are in business you gotta go with what is reliable. Try both
standard and cable phone service if you have multiple lines and make it work
with your budget. You might discover a great service (or a crappy one).
BTW-I'd expect an availability spec from them too!
Paul Pinyot
Post by Jeffrey D Angus
Has anyone any good or bad experiences to relate?
While in Culver City, and being supplied by MediaOne (Now AT&T)
the sales droids called every week trying to convince me to go
with "digital phone over Cable." I got increasingly hostile with
them when they could guarantee IN WRITING a level of service
consistent with what the phone company is required to maintain.
The problem was, the cable would go down weekly, and I refused to
have to rely on something that flaky for business communications.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
Tara Morice as Fran, from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"
2003-12-03 02:29:43 UTC
Post by Mark Oppat
;like GC Service Cement, manilla envelope
Due to the acid content of other papers and their consequent unknown
service life, I use coffee filters (and fabric cement) for this purpose.

John H.
Brenda Ann
2003-12-02 23:20:41 UTC
Post by Mark Oppat
As a note to all, these kind of places mentioned by Escorial only do musical
instrument speakers.
Jackson Speaker Service Ron McGee, Jackson, MI 517-789-6400
Sound Remedy, Rich Stamer, NJ.
Hank Brazeal 205-823-9257
As well as:

Jamac Products CO
8600 Northeast Sandy Boulevard, Portland, OR 97220
(503) 252-2929

They recone anything. We've had them do old 1950's OEM car speakers..
Eddie Brimer
2003-12-02 23:35:30 UTC
or...if you are the McGyver type as myself, try this...


it really works. assuming of course, that the VC, spider, etc are OK. it will
make the speaker look and perform as new. no fabric softener sheets, tea bags,
manilla paper or the.

Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742

visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
Syl's Old Radioz
2003-12-03 01:05:09 UTC
"Eddie Brimer"
Post by Eddie Brimer
or...if you are the McGyver type as myself, try this...
Crappy idea...

Now we'll all end-up with yellow speaker cones...

-kiddin' of course...
Eddie Brimer
2003-12-03 02:46:55 UTC
Post by Syl's Old Radioz
Crappy idea...
Now we'll all end-up with yellow speaker cones...
made from kids construction paper......

Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742

visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
2003-12-03 01:10:06 UTC
Thanks Eddie. I have that page read thrice and printed out.

Ken G is out of 8" material so he can't recone a speaker I have from a
Philco 71 so I'm going to be attempt to do it myself.

The only thing slowing me down is my lack of experience and confidence.


Post by Eddie Brimer
or...if you are the McGyver type as myself, try this...
it really works. assuming of course, that the VC, spider, etc are OK. it will
make the speaker look and perform as new. no fabric softener sheets, tea bags,
manilla paper or the.
Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742
visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
2003-12-04 13:34:47 UTC
As for musical instruments only that would be a BIG negative!

J&J Speaker Repair Service (Mickey) does it all plus some rewinding.
When I mentioned Jensen Imperial I was speaking of the Jensen Imperial
STEREO loudspeakers from the 1950's which I have hooked up to my
Dynaco Mark III's. The Imperials if you do not remember resemble the
Klispch Corner horns.

Mickey took over the business in the mid 70s if memory serves, from
the original owner who had it since 1957. A lot of the original owners
stock came with the business. Mickey did study under the original
owner before taking over the business.

His work is professional! As far as his prices I would suggest that
you call him direct @ 773 889 3498. He is not online and is a 1 man
shop. He takes his time and does the job with great care.

My Imperials were done about 5 years ago and he also did a set of 12"
1959's Jensen 2 ways 3 years ago when I inherited another speaker
system. I had them reconed as one speaker had some cone damage from
age and then sold them off as I did not need 2nd seat.

When I reconed the 1 speaker I had him do the other one so to have a
matched set. At that time if I remember correctly I might of been $60
per speaker but I could be wrong, I'm lucky I can remember what I did
last week?

As far as the theory as to never re-cone a speaker yes I believe in
that but sometimes it is not all feasible as the speakers are not
easily found and buying anything off Ebay these days is a big risk!

As far as yellow cardboard speaker cones ( you must be mistaken) well
I have yet to see one over at his shop, most of his stock is in the
open for you to see.

Basically it is useless to talk about who is the best on the web as it
is always one opinion VS another. I just posted this as I have been a
satisfied customer, what brought this about this posting was that I
was down on Diversey AVE the other day and saw that his shop was still
there, I had almost forgot about him.

Hey if your shopping around why not give him a call, asking for prices
on a chat room do not really cut it as every job is somtimes different
and long distance call's do not run much these days !

Mickeys hours are:
Mon-Fri 10-6 CST
Sat. 9-1 CST
774 889-8498 (p)
774 889-8050 (f)
Post by Mark Oppat
As a note to all, these kind of places mentioned by Escorial only do musical
instrument speakers.
Jackson Speaker Service Ron McGee, Jackson, MI 517-789-6400
Sound Remedy, Rich Stamer, NJ.
Hank Brazeal 205-823-9257
Mark Oppat
Post by Escorial
Mickey the owner really does some excellent work. I have been using
him for more years then I can remember. I'm just posting this as a
thanks to Mickey !
If you ever need a Jensen, JBL reconed or just about anything else
give him a call. I had him do a couple of Jensen Imperial bottoms and
the work was excellent. Many of his replacement cones are OEM and he
does have a large selection on hand.
Master Reconing Station
Since 1957
7006 W. Diversey AVE.
Chicago,IL. 60707
Phone 773 889 3498
Fax 773 889 8050
Eddie Brimer
2003-12-04 13:50:33 UTC
Post by Escorial
As far as yellow cardboard speaker cones ( you must be mistaken) well
I have yet to see one over at his shop, most of his stock is in the
open for you to see.
need to re-read the post mickey.

Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742

visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
2003-12-05 08:12:50 UTC

You have me at a loss on what post your are talking about?

Also my name is not Mickey it is John R and I have nothing to do with
his business, believe it or not, the only reason that I posted this
stuff in the first place is one these places are few and far between
and to find a good one is nice. I have been a satisfied customer and
simply stated that. I have nothing to do with him other than that and
am gaining nothing by doing this.

I would put my name and address on the posts but these days I would
consider that a no-no with all the crap you end up getting dellivered
to your home from doing so. Hey its bad enough just posting a email
address ;-)

My forte is old BMW motorcycles!

John R
Post by Eddie Brimer
Post by Escorial
As far as yellow cardboard speaker cones ( you must be mistaken) well
I have yet to see one over at his shop, most of his stock is in the
open for you to see.
need to re-read the post mickey.
Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742
visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"
Eddie Brimer
2003-12-06 00:11:02 UTC
Post by Escorial
I would put my name and address on the posts but these days I would
consider that a no-no with all the crap you end up getting dellivered
to your home from doing so. Hey its bad enough just posting a email
address ;-)
My forte is old BMW motorcycles!
John R
sorry john...i have never had a problem putting my name here...or anywhere for
that matter. my gosh, it's in thousands of phonebooks. glad to see you are a
biker. i ride an indain chief.

Eddie Brimer
2480 S. Beersheba Rd.
Sharon SC, 29742

visit my web page "THIS OLD RADIO"