Post by John-DelPost by John RobertsonPost by John-DelHey, off topic, but I have a Premier System 3 that needs a battery. Instead of installing another coin, I was thinking about remoting two AA lithiums in a holder off board and using a diode right in the holder to drop the voltage back to three volts. Thoughts?
Wolcott, CT
On your Gottlieb game there is no advantage to moving the battery
off-board as the lithium button cells don't appear to leak. And they are
good for upwards of 25 years...current draw is essentially zero uA.
John :-#)#
Thanks John. I read (of course!) that the button cells should be changed every 5 years. If that was true, then remoting the battery off board would make sense as opposed to soldering in a new one. I wasn't worried about corrosion - just the next guy who owns this after I'm fertilizing the ground.
But if it lasts 25 years, then I'll just replace the one that's on the board.
Wolcott, CT
No guarantee they will last 25 years, it is just that we are rarely see
System 3 games needing new batteries and the last machine was made in
1996 - Bard Wire.
The recommendation for 5 years was so the operator wouldn't lose the
book-keeping data - by proactively changing the battery before it failed
(with the game or MPU board powered up) using an isolated tip soldering
John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the USENET newsgroup)
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